Andrew and Carrie's home and family about 1900. Left to right: Carrie holding Fritjof, Bill, Leif, Albert, Carl and Andrew. Their log cabin had been sided over.
came involved in politics. He and Carrie bought a home in Decorah about 1926 while Palma, Otto and P Sherman were still living at home. Bill had returned from military service in France in World War I and farmed Andrew’s farm. He married Hilda Foltz. They lived with Andrew and Carrie for a short time.
Three of Andrew and Carrie’s boys. Carl, Bill and Albert, owned their own farms. Leif and Albert attended Waldorf Business College in Forest City. Leif went to Canada by threshing along the way and in Canada. He married a Canadian girl and remained in Canada as a salesman of Robin Hood Flour. Silas threshed his way to Canada when he was 21 years old but returned after a few years. He then began selling cream separators and eventually became Branch Manager of International Harvester Company Trucks in Madison, Wl. Otto worked in an aircraft factory in California. Paul Sherman taught school, worked for 10 years for International Harvester and eventually around 1948 owned a Dodge auto dealership in Waterloo, IA. Palma taught school before marrying a Luther College student, Lester Hegg. He became a physician/ surgeon. They settled in Rock Valley, IA, near Sioux Falls, SD.
Andrew and Carrie are buried in the Lutheran Cemetery in Hesper.
Erickson, Anton and Anna (Johnson Huseby)
(Norman Hjelmeland)
Anton Erickson family
Anton Erickson, son of Jens and Ingeborg (Hanson) Erickson Ness, was born 18 May 1859 at Washington
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